never go to criminal court without an attorney

Factors That Medical Malpractice Victims Should Consider

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When a doctor is negligent, it can cause extremely serious consequences for their patient. If you have encountered a physician that has been negligent in administering care, the only option for pursuing justice may for you to file a medical-malpractice lawsuit. To help you be as prepared as possible for this type of lawsuit, you should be mindful of several important factors. An Incorrect Diagnosis Does Not Always Mean a Malpractice Case Is Possible Read More»

Peeping Tom Laws: Understand How An Invasion Of Privacy Can Become A Criminal Act

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Criminal invasion of privacy laws are typically used against voyeurs—so-called “peeping Toms” who get some sort of thrill or sexual gratification out of spying on their victims. Now, however, a new situation is stretching the boundaries of one state’s Peeping Tom laws to cover the digital age and body-shaming as well as voyeurism for the sake of sexual gratification. Before you take out your phone for that next selfie, this is what you should know about the potential trouble it could create. Read More»

Can Anything Bad Happen If You Ignore A Credit Card Lawsuit?

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According to the 2013 Survey of Consumer Finances from the United States Federal Reserve, the average household credit card debt is $2,300 and the average national credit card debt is $5,700. Also, this survey showed that the total amount of consumer debt is $3.4 trillion, while the total amount of revolving debt is $929 billion. It is no doubt that credit card companies are filing lawsuits against consumers in order for them to collect payment. Read More»

If Your Name Is On A Sex Offender Registry, Is There Any Way To Get It Removed?

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The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) has become a nightmare for a lot of people convicted of crimes like indecent exposure for streaking or urinating in an alley after drinking a little too much. It has also trapped people who were required to register after an angry parent pressed statutory rape charges against their minor’s overage boyfriend or girlfriend and people who were convicted of now-legal consensual acts, like oral sex. Read More»

DUIs For Driving High: What You Should Know About Driving In A State That Allows Medical Marijuana

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Medical marijuana is on the tipping point of approval in the U.S., now that 25 states and the District of Columbia allow some form of the drug. However, driving regulations are still very restrictive when it comes to marijuana use—which presents some serious problems for those using medical marijuana. It’s important to understand the potential problem you face if you use medical marijuana and what you can do if you’re given a DUI for “ Read More»